Spoken Resistance
A collaboration with GAL A Theatre, Spoken Resistance provides young and emerging
artists with the long-term support and creative sustenance they need to develop as artists and
community assets. Spoken Resistance is the winner of the 2002 Mayor’s Art Award for
Outstanding Emerging Artist.
Spoken Resistance is now recruiting!
For the under 20 crew – Join a workshop facilitated by Sol & Soul Artistic Director Quique Aviles.
The Workshop meets twice a week. Members have to bring in their work – poetry, monologues,
scenes, and songs一to share and be willing to receive feedback We’ll work towards creating a
performance to bring to DC audiences.
For the over 20 crew – Join a group that works on more of a “collective'” model. This group will
meet twice a week and create ensemble pieces.
For the first part of 2004, Spoken Resistance will focus on developing the artistry and
critical social analysis of members . We’ll be reading a lot of books, doing workshops
with guest artists, going to see shows of other artists, watching flms, eating pizza, talking,
analyzing, and dreaming. Care to join us?
Spoken Resistance members are also available for readings and workshops.
Contact Quique Aviles for more information.
Click here to see a Photo Gallery of Spoken Resistance